Suomessa vierailussa yksi ehdottomasti parhaista asioista on kahvittelu ystävien kanssa. Lancasterissa kakkuhampaan kolottaessa on turvauduttava omiin leipomuksiin, sillä täällä on tarjolla vain teollisen makuisia chocolate fudge cakea ja porkkanakakkua. Onneksi Helsinki on täynnä ihania leivospaikkoja, joihin mielellään jämähtää pariksi tunniksi.
Fazer on tietysti klassikko, ja siellä tuli (taas) käytyä. Pakollisen kakun (vadelma-suklaa) lisäksi otin makoisan antipasto-leivän.
Toinen edellisen loman kahvilabongaus oli Kakkugallerian kakkubuffet. Se on ollut olemassa jo aika kauan, mutta jostain käsittämättömästä syystä en ole ehtinyt sinne tätä ennen. (Niille, jotka eivät ole kuulleet siitä, se on tosiaan nimensa mukainen: kakkuja vitriinistä niin paljon kuin sielu sietää!)
Arvio: taivaalliset kakut ja hinta erittäin sopiva 11 €, sisältäen haudutetun teen (joita on häkellyttävä valikoima.) Erityismaininta täydellisestä porkkanakakusta. Sopivan kardemummainen eikä kuorrute ollut liian makea.

One of the best things in visits to Finland is going to cafés with friends. In Lancaster I have to survive on own bakings, because the café culture (if such exists) is quite different to home. Bakings-wise it tends to be rather narrow selection, focusing mostly on chocolate fudge cake and carrot cake. It could be ok, but too often they have kind of processed/industrial taste. And even the nice ones always taste the same, there is no element of (positive) surprise there. Luckily Helsinki is full of lovely cafés with wonderful cake and pastry ranges. Fazer is of course a classic and my all-time favourite, so I ended up there again. In addition to compulsory cake (raspberry-chocolate) I took delicious antipasto sandwich. Random note: when it comes to sandwiches, I have never really understood British people. Why do they have so much bread and so little toppings? I think toppings are the key thing, not the bread so much. Especially when it doesn't taste anything at all...
Another place worth mentioning is Kakkugalleria (Cake Gallery), where they serve cake buffet. There price is very good, 11 €, which you almost have to pay for a nice slice of cake and infused tea anyway. The buffet is very nice, as you can literally eat as much cake as you like, taste your way through their entire selection if you feel like it. Another good thing is that the slices are a half of their normal size, so you can try more flavours more easily. This place is also home to the most heavenly carrot cake I have had, it's very cardamom-y and most of all, the frosting is not too sweet.
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