I finally got the pics from Manchester when we were there with my sister in September. Better late than never. Nice trip, but definitely not my favourite cities. I like the canal, but otherwise it was kind of depressing (but in a different way than Edinburgh) and for sure a big mismatch of buildings. The abandoned remains of redbrick buildings just scream 'industrial revolution' to me. Maybe it would be better if spent more time there when there would be a possibility to see a bit more. I will also post more pics about that holiday some time soon.
Mitä mielessä pyörii kun elämä siirtyy maasta toiseen? Onko ruoho vihreämpää aidan toisella puolella? Miltä tuntuu elää kahdessa maassa ja kolmessa osoitteessa? Mahtuuko elämä matkalaukkuun?
tiistai 24. toukokuuta 2011
Takaumia / Flashbacks
Sain vihdoin kuvat Manchesterin-lomalta kun kävimme syksyllä sitä kautta siskon kanssa ennen kun rahtasimme muuttokuorman Lancasteriin saakka. Manchester on mielestäni yhä masentava (mutta eri tavalla kuin Edinburgh) ja punatiilisine taloineen huokuu teollista vallankumousta. Lisäksi julkisivulautakunnalle tai asemakaavan määräyksille olisi tekoa, kaupunki on täynnä mielenkiintoista arkkitehtuuria (niin hyvässä kuin pahassa), joka ei pääse oikeuksiinsa ympäristön vuoksi. Kanavat tosin ovat kivoja. Laitan näiden jatkoksi saman reissun kuvia parista muustakin paikasta, joten takaumat jatkuvat lähipäivinä.
I finally got the pics from Manchester when we were there with my sister in September. Better late than never. Nice trip, but definitely not my favourite cities. I like the canal, but otherwise it was kind of depressing (but in a different way than Edinburgh) and for sure a big mismatch of buildings. The abandoned remains of redbrick buildings just scream 'industrial revolution' to me. Maybe it would be better if spent more time there when there would be a possibility to see a bit more. I will also post more pics about that holiday some time soon.
I finally got the pics from Manchester when we were there with my sister in September. Better late than never. Nice trip, but definitely not my favourite cities. I like the canal, but otherwise it was kind of depressing (but in a different way than Edinburgh) and for sure a big mismatch of buildings. The abandoned remains of redbrick buildings just scream 'industrial revolution' to me. Maybe it would be better if spent more time there when there would be a possibility to see a bit more. I will also post more pics about that holiday some time soon.
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